A todo app that helps you do things

  • Use the time you have right now.
  • Don't dread getting started.
  • Fit more things into your week
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Doing things can be tough...

Things pile up. People assume you're lazy or irresponsible, but you're not! You just can't get started...

You have the time you need, but somehow the hours melt away...

There are things you'd like to do but you don't pick a time to start, so you never do...

Most productivity tools just help you to organize tasks. You're on your own when it comes to actually doing them...

So Many Minutes is different.

It helps you to use your time on things you want to finish by making it easy to start.

Get Started,
Stay Focused.

Use Memos,
Avoid Stress.

Only the features you need..

To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.
Leonard Bernstein

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